


Organized March 28, 1913
Revised February 2, 1916
Revised December 20, 1943
Revised September 12, 1951
Revised November 25, 1957
Revised November 23,1964
Revised November 20, 1974
Revised November 5,1999

Certificate of Incorporation Filed March 30,1920
Amendatory Certificate Filed November 13, 1944
Amendatory Certificate Filed December 22,1964

Constitution and By-:Laws Committees


Thomas Moynihan, Andrew Whitaker, Frederic Kelafant
1951Andrew Whitaker, Harry Coton, Walter Duma, Roger Goodsell, Lee Virgil
1957 Andrew Whitaker, Charles Rollins, Edward Daoust, John La Vance, Howard Hickin

Paul Beyer, Harry Bowers, Howard Hickin, Charles Rollins, Henry Ure

1974Robert Potfora, Harry Bowers, Wallace Dillenbeck, Kenneth Mealy, Stanley Rosak


John Chiaachiaretta - Chairman
Mike LaLonde, Mike Palleschi, Ron Pucci, Howard Waller




1. Name & Object
2. Membership
3. Officers & Their Election.
4. Meetings
5. By-Laws
6. Amendments



1. Duties of Officers
2. Association Representatives
3. Membership
4. Committees
5. Removal of Officers & Vacancies
6. Fiscal Year
7. Quorums
8. Order of Business .
9. Proceedings
10. Dues
11. Association Pin
12. Nominations & Elections
13. Indebtedness
14. Bonding & Insurance
15. Awards


Name and Object

Sec. 1. The name of the organization shall be the Schenectady GE Apprentice Alumni Association Inc.

Sec. 2 The object of this Association shall be to promote the moral, educational and social welfare of its members.

Sec. 3. This Association cannot be dissolved while nine (9) members, in good standing, object to its dissolution and this section cannot be altered, amended or rescinded.


Sec. 1. There shall be four (4) classes of membership: Regular, Associate, Life and Honorary.

Sec. 2. Regular - Any graduate of the Schenectady, New York, General Electric Industrial Training Program, formerly, General Electric Apprentice Training System, having a proper diploma and being of good moral character, may become a regular member of this Association.

Sec. 3. Associate - A graduate of an Apprentice Training System of any other General Electric Plant, being of good moral character, may become an Associate member upon filing an Associate Membership Application, and producing a proper diploma or proof of graduation to the financial secretary. An Associate Member shall be entitled to all the privileges of this Association, except that of holding office.

Sec. 4. Life - A member must have been in good standing eight (8) of the ten (10) Consecutive years immediately before retirement, including the year of retirement, to be eligible to receive a Life Membership.
A member who does not meet the regular requirements for Life Membership at the time of retirement, may continue to pay their renewal dues until having ten (10) out of the past twelve (12) consecutive years. Also a member employed where no mandatory retirement age is stipulated, shall be eligible for Life Membership at age 62, membership requirement shall be eight (8) out of the past ten (10) years including the year in which application is made. In the latter two cases, application for Life membership shall be the responsibility of the member.
A Life Member is entitled to all benefits and privileges of the Association, including that of holding office.

Sec. 5. Honorary - Any person connected with or having had connections with the Schenectady GE Apprentice Alumni Association, and promoting greater educational, moral and social welfare for the Association, may be elected to Honorary Membership by two - thirds (2/3) vote of members present at an annual or special meeting, after having been approved by the board of directors.
An Honorary Member is entitled to all benefits and privileges of the Association except that of holding office, or being able to vote.

Sec. 6. - An Apprentice, upon graduating, shall be given a membership application along with a letter of instruction, from the Financial Secretary in which all related conditions shall be clearly stated. If the Apprentice Graduate does not complete the application and return it to the Financial Secretary within the calendar year and desires to join the Association the following year, or any year thereafter, an initiation fee and current years dues shall be required. An exception to the above stipulations shall be: If the Apprentice's graduation date is in the month of December, a free membership shall be issued for the following year upon receipt of completed application to the Financial Secretary. This is the only condition under which a free membership can be issued other than the year of graduation.

Sec. 7. The initiation fee and dues shall be determined by the By-Laws.

Sec. 8. A person delinquent in dues may make up back dues up to the maximum of two (2) years to retain continuity of membership in the Association. Upon failure to meet these requirements, reinstatement may be made only by paying an initiation fee plus current years dues as stated in Article 3, Section 1 of the By-laws

Sec. 9. Should the expulsion of a member be judged expedient by five (5) or more members they must draw up a petition requesting such expulsion, setting forth the reasons therefore, and deliver same to the Board of Directors.
If the Board of Directors by a majority vote does not concur on the petition, no further action shall be taken, but if the Board of Directors by a majority vote does concur on the petition, an attested copy of such petition must be furnished to the accused, who shall be entitled to a hearing before the board of directors
If the Board of Directors shall find the charges substantiated the accused member shall be notified and given an opportunity to resign. If the accused accepts this privilege no entry shall be made in the minutes nor public discussion of the case be permitted. But upon refusal to resign the accused may appeal the case to the membership at the next general meeting where expulsion may be voted on by ballot, a two - thirds (2\3) vote deciding the issue. If the accused does not appeal the case the President shall declare the accused expelled and direct the Recording Secretary to notify thins person to that effect.

Officers and Their Election

Sec. 1. The officers of this Association shall consist of a President, First, and Second Vice Presidents, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, and Comptroller. They shall be elected at the Annual Meeting (see By-laws Article 12, Section 4).

Sec. 2. The Board of Directors shall consist of fourteen (14) members; namely, the above seven (7) officers and seven (7) directors.
All Directors shall serve for two years, except that any individual chosen to fill a vacancy shall be appointed only for the unexpired term of the member whom he shall replace. They shall be elected at the Annual Meeting.

Sec. 3. The newly elected officers shall assume their duties as of January 1st. The newly elected officers shall be honored at an annual banquet to be held during the month of January.


Sec. 1. The Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held during the month of November.

Sec. 2. The President may call Special meetings of the membership or of the Board of Directors. The President is required to call a meeting of the Board of Directors upon the petition of seven (7) members of the Board. The Board of Directors may then require the President to call a General Meeting giving the membership seven (7) days published notice. Upon the petition of twenty-five (25) members the President shall be required to call a general meeting without the consent of the Board of Directors. Such a meeting shall be called within thirty (30) days following receipt of the petition and the membership shall be given seven (7) days notice before said meeting.

Sec. 3. The President may call a meeting of the Board of Directors at any time providing at least forty-eight (48) hours notice has been given each member. A written notice stating the time and place shall be required.

Sec. 4. During the course of any Regular or Special Meetings of this Association there shall be no discussion of Religious, Political, Labor, or Fraternal questions.


Sec. 1. By-Laws for the government of this organization shall be made by a majority vote of the Board of Directors present at a Board meeting and shall be ratified by a majority vote of the members present at a general meeting.

Sec. 2. The By-Laws shall not be suspended except by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at a General Meeting.


Sec. 1. Any amendments to the Constitution or By-Laws shall be proposed either by the Board of Directors or by means of a petition signed by twenty (20) members.
The proposed amendment shall be shall be written in due form in the petition. After an amendment has been proposed, the president shall call a General Meeting for its consideration within 30 days following date of proposal. The proposed amendment shall be published and in the hands of the Alumni representatives for circulation (2) weeks in advance of the meeting for its consideration. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present shall be necessary for the adoption of the amendment to the By-Laws.

By Laws

Duties of Officers

Sec. 1. The President shall preside at all meetings shall appoint all committees (unless otherwise ordered), shall be an ex officio member of all committees, shall countersign all warrants for money and shall give the deciding vote in case of a tie (except in case of election).

Sec. 2. The Vice Presidents shall assist the President in conducting all meetings and in the absence of the President, the Vice - Presidents in order of seniority shall be invested with all the prerogatives of that office.

Sec. 3. The First Vice - President shall have general supervision of the Association Representatives, and shall maintain at all times an accurate directory of association representatives and furnish the Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, Second Vice - President and Membership Committee with a copy of the same.

The Second Vice - President shall have general supervision of the Entertainment Committee, and shall furnish the Board of Directors and the Comptroller a complete ticket audit immediately following each event. Also furnish budget, in advance, to the Comptroller for review.

The Comptroller shall have supervision of the Membership Committee and be a member of the Entertainment Committee. The Comptroller shall also be responsible for notifying and enrolling new Apprentice graduates.

Sec. 4. The Recording Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of all Association and Board of Directors meetings, and shall submit same at each succeeding meeting, and send copies to Association Representatives following each meeting. The Recording Secretary shall notify members of their elections, suspensions, or expulsions; notify committee members of their appointments and of the duties assigned to them and shall generally conduct the correspondence and keep the records of the Association. The Recording Secretary shall receive for compensation for these duties, at the end of each year of this term, seventy - five dollars ($75.00).

Sec. 5. The Financial Secretary shall collect and receive all moneys due the Association from dues and initiation fees and shall within ten (10) days turn over same to the Treasurer and take his receipt therefore.
The Financial Secretary shall be supplied with an accurate directory of Association Representatives by the First Vice - President and the Financial Secretary shall maintain this directory including the numbers and names of members under each listed Association Representative. The Financial Secretary shall furnish Association Representative with notice of dues due; furnish Association Representative with names of delinquent members on or before June 1st. Any member not having representation shall be notified directly by mail. The Financial Secretary shall maintain an accurate individual continuous membership record of each member which shall be reviewed quarterly by the Comptroller. The Financial Secretary shall be notified by the Association Representative of death of a member, and upon verification of member being in good standing, shall send a floral piece or suitable expression of sympathy, the maximum cost of which shall be approved by the Board of Directors semi - annually. The Financial Secretary shall make year - to - date report at each Board of Directors meeting and furnish Recording Secretary with copy of same; make a report as of January 1st to date of annual meeting, at that meeting, and furnish Recording Secretary with copy of same. The Financial Secretary shall be bonded and insured as prescribed in Article 14. The Financial Secretary shall receive as compensation for these duties, at the end of each year of this term, seventy - five dollars ($75.00).

Sec. 6. The Treasurer shall be custodian of all moneys belonging to the Association and deposit said moneys in any local bank designated by the Board of Directors; keep; accurate accounts in the books of the Association of all receipts and disbursements which shall be reviewed quarterly by the Comptroller; keep the Board of Directors informed of the financial conditions of the Association at each meeting and furnish Recording Secretary with a report of same; make a report of the financial affairs of the Association from January 1st to date of annual meeting, at that meeting, and furnish Recording Secretary with copy of same; turn over all records on request of Auditing Committee. The Treasurer shall be bonded and insured as prescribed in Article 14, and receive as compensation for these duties at the end of each year of this term, seventy-five dollars ($75.00).

Sec. 7. The Comptroller shall keep up the duplicate set of membership records of the Association; be chairman of the Membership Committee; audit the Financial Secretary's books quarterly; assist the Financial Secretary if needed; fill in for the Financial Secretary or Treasurer, if needed; review all budgets; review ticket chairperson report after each event; review all records of raffles held by the Association, and in each case report all findings to the Board; review and issue' guidelines annually in January ; have the authority to countersign all warrants (President, Treasurer, Comptroller, any two).

Sec. 8. The Board of Directors shall have complete supervision of, and final responsibility for all affairs of the Association.

Association Representatives

Sec. 1. Each area as constituted by the Board of Directors will have its own representative appointed by the Board of Directors.
The representative shall submit the names of their assistants for the Board of Directors approval.

Sec. 2. The representative shall receive all communications from the Board of Directors and transmit the same to the constituted area members.

Sec. 3. The representative shall have a copy of the annual financial report available for members in the constituted area to review.

Sec. 4. The representative shall keep the Financial Secretary currently informed as to the number and names of members in the representatives' constituted area, and promptly report all departures or transfers of members. Upon receipt of note from the Financial Secretary of members delinquent in their dues, the representative shall personally contact these persons and report back, in writing, to the Financial Secretary. The representative shall notify the Financial Secretary of the death of any member in the representatives constituted area.


Sec. 1. Request for membership shall be made to the Financial Secretary or area representative. The Initiation fee, when required and current annual dues must accompany the request. Should request be rejected, initiation fee and dues shall be returned.


Sec. 1. The standing committees of the Association shall be: Membership, Entertainment, Auditing and Publicity.

The Membership Committee shall consist of at least two (2) members, Financial Secretary and Comptroller. The Comptroller shall chair this committee.

The Entertainment Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members. The Second Vice - President shall chair this committee.

The Auditing Committee shall consist of three (3) members.

The Publicity Committee shall consist of at least two (2) members, at least one of which shall be a member of the board, who shall serve as chairman.

Sec. 2. The duties of the respective committees shall be as follows:
The Membership Committee shall receive requests and pass upon the eligibility of all applicants for membership as to there being graduates with diplomas and as to character. If request is approved the person submitting same shall be accepted for membership.

The Membership Committee shall obtain from the Apprentice Department notifications of all apprentices as they graduate and keep record of same. The Membership Committee shall notify delinquent members by October 1st that they have not paid their dues.

The Entertainment Committee shall have charge of all social functions of the Association as approved by the Board.

The Auditing Committee shall examine the books of the Treasurer Financial Secretary, Ticket Chairperson and all fund raising projects previous to the Annual Banquet, at which time its report shall be made. This report will be filed with the Recording Secretary.

The Publicity Committee shall give publicity to all affairs and activities of the Association. The chairperson shall sign all releases issued to the papers.

Sec. 3. The Standing Committees shall be announced at the Annual Banquet by the incoming President.

Removal of Officer and Vacancies

Sec. 1. Any official may be removed for cause by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at a special meeting of the Association called for that purpose. A successor shall be chosen at this meeting to act for the balance of the term.

Sec. 2. Any vacancy of an office shall be filed by the Board of Directors for the balance of the term.

Sec. 3. The seat of any Officer or Director who from change of residence, or without due cause is absent from three (3) successive meetings shall be declared vacant.

Fiscal Year

Sec. 1. The Fiscal Year of the Association shall be the Calendar Year.


Sec. 1. Fifteen (15) members shall constitute a quorum in a general meeting of the Association.

Sec. 2. Eight (8) members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum in a Board of Directors meeting.

Order of Business

Sec. 1. The following order of business shall be followed at the Annual and monthly meetings of the Association.

1. Roil call of Officers.
2. Read the minutes of the preceding Annual or monthly meeting. This is mandatory.
3. Report of Committees.
4. Report of Treasurer.
5. Report of Financial Secretary.
6. Communication and bills.
7. Deferred business
8. New business
9. Good of the Association
10. Election of Officers, when necessary, (Annual Meeting)
11. Installation of Officers, when necessary - effective January 1st (Annual Meeting)
12. Adjournment


Sec. 1. The proceedings of this Association shall be governed by the rules as published in "Robert's Rules of Order, Revised" in all cases not provided for in the Constitution or By -Laws.


Sec. 1. Dues - The dues and initiation fee of the Association shall be determined at the October Board of Directors meeting and ratified by a majority vote of the members present at the Annual Meeting held in November, and will take effect January 1st of the following year.

Association Pin

Sec. 1. The official Association Pin shall be one-half (1/2") in diameter. The General Electric trademark shall be in a white circle one-quarter inch (1/4") in diameter in the center of the words "Alumni Association" in blue background around it. The outer circle shall contain the words "Schenectady Works Apprentice Courses" on a white background Letters and circumferences of circles shall be in gold.

Nominations and Elections

Sec. 1. The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of five (5) members, the Chairperson and two others are to be members of the Board of Directors, at least sixty (60) days before the Annual Meeting, which shall report its selections to the Board of Directors at the October meeting, and to the Recording Secretary at least thirty (30) days before said meeting. Nominations shall be posted at least ten (10) days before the Annual Meeting.

Sec. 2. The Nominating Committee shall select one (1) candidate for each office to be filled. A blank space on ballot shall be left after name of each nominee to permit members to write in names of candidates nominated from the floor.
A member who has been elected to First Vice-president, must be nominated for President if he so desires for the following year, and his name must appear on the printed ballot.
Only members who have served as President, may be nominated for the office of Comptroller.

Sec. 3. Balloting for officers shall be secret and shall take place at the Annual Meeting. A plurality of votes cast shall be necessary to elect any candidate.
Sec. 4. Officers shall be elected for two (2) years or until their successors have been elected. Board of Directors shall be elected for two years or until their successors have been elected.

Sec. 5. The Nominating Committee should exercise good judgment in selecting candidates for offices, also as to represent the various trades and as many areas as possible.


Sec. 1. No member, or members, shall involve the Association in any indebtedness unless they be given specific authorization by the Board of Directors.

Bonding and Insurance

Sec. 1. The Treasurer, Financial Secretary and all Ticket Chairpersons shall be covered by a Messenger and Robbery Insurance Policy and suitable bond, to be determined by the Board of Directors at the beginning of each year.


Sec. 1. Outstanding Apprentice Graduate awards shall be on a year to year basis and left to the discretion of the Board of Directors.

Don't just "belong," be a "good member."